fanart in EarthBound/MOTHER

Show the whole Earth your ideas about EarthBound and the series itself!

Fanart of the Mother 1 - Haunted Doll Battle. Mother Series is the inspiration to make my own game (also, can I post about it [my game] here? Please, let me know)

Skelebros, but in the style of Mother 3

I made the rest of each team of 4 for the mother games (i also made clause cuz why not) and it was really fun!

I decided to redraw the "Most Annoying Earthbound Enemies Put Together" post I made many months back.

Here's some simple art I made of Paula from Earthbound and Bomb from Knuckles Chaotix supporting Gay Rights! I'll (Hopefully) post some more art over the month. Happy Pride Month everyone!

i beat mother 3 last night, here's a little doodle i made to show my appreciation for the game!