
HD mode ON

Pc on a TV 2, this is a new roku TV bc the old one slipped and fell

dev log: I'm waiting like you are.

- added zombie kick, meant for a challenge. one shot kill but you manually shoot it with a crosshair that follows your mouse.

- added halloween/release date message. a cat pumpkin shows up in the top middle saying-

I'm subbing to bo3 zombies maps before I get the game on steam bc I'm impatient asf.

Hey guys, I think munchkin likes falling asleep with my old pairs of socks.

Would anyone like another picture of pepper?

Yo yall should follow @wonderwack (my nephew trevor), he may not post but he's new here now (bc of me)

Pepper :)

This is what happens when I'm bored in art class..

Chad munchkin, best mew mew ever.

(Had to re-upload image, I forgot my water mark.)

I hate this school internet...

It's taking forever, this will stay when its uploaded so you can see my struggle


(I barley take pictures of her)

Welcome to my studio We support cats (You can support others but no politics)

@KniteBlargh Is the Cat allie

@ObscureEasterEgg Is E G G
My scratch is: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Lm_FM/

I play a lot of xbox games


Here have a cleo from cats pizza!
•ᴧ• Meow! •ᴧ•



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