General in Mickeyjunk Mountain

Share your creations!

Somebody try to decode this image. Have no idea what it is and don't know how to do it myself. The curiosity is killing me.

You heard the man.

23 followers in only the first two days alone!? Daggum!

Alrighty everyone! I'm starting development on something called Five Nights at Treasure Island 5.0: Revisited! The title may give some hints as to what it is, but the game page explains it better. Go give it a look or a follow!

Looks like we have ourselves the first ever FDATIOT-Fan Game, folks! It's made by @duperdog0220. Go give him and the game a follow, why don't you?

A Handful of Notes (FDATIOT rewrite of A Few Suggestions, also Non-Canon)

Alright @Cute-Femboy-skeleon67, that's the final straw. If you ain't gonna listen to Vintage, prepare for trouble, and make it double, cause now I'M taking this into MY hands.

Added the menu theme (or at least the current version of it) to the page. Surprising how slowing down and then adding reverb to the Lonesome Manor theme makes it sound so damn good.

The Copypasta Saga

That same girl from class remade Lillian but as an Anime Girl this time. I would say i'm happy, but I'm more worried for myself.