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Plant your Post
Uh I don't really know which of those are from yesterday to be honest and I can't post the ones from today because I made them from my sister's phone and forgot to download and put it to a post.....
Today I saw these flowers unknown to me. I found them quite beautiful. 🌸
Update: It's a variety of hydrangea.
So here is tree6... I think they probably dead... Mom told me to just put them into the dirt to see if maybe they grow again. I don't think they will
Today's update on my trees
There is a ants path right in front of my trees...
And there will be an extra post about Tree6...
After the Rain
Note to self: don't even try to make pictures with zoom on they don't get saved correctly and look like crap
also Clear aka Tree4 lost her seed too and I also keep hers
Before the Rain
Last Two Pictures turn out so really f good thanks to such a fast phone as mine that takes f forever to load anything
My phone is slower then moms and we made jokes about her phone being slow as f
Day3 outside for Tree6/7/8/9
8 went back into the dirt a bit and 9 is still not showing her self
Day8 outside for Tree5
He's growing so far big
She's going to be a big big tree when he's older