Photos in Plants&Gardens

Plant your Post


I have waited way to long with posting them again.. or in other words Idk what happened on that day and there for can't write about it anymore sadly ^^"

I hope you don't mind this to much..
I just gotta work on the Schedule soon

A seed from the fridge which is much bigger now and will be brought out soon from the second row already

And the calendar of last month

also I'm sorry for not posting every day and even forgetting to take photos of them
I'm gonna work on the post I have

My neighbours brought me hydrangeas from their garden a little while back. They have all kinds of flowering plants, and they love sharing them with anyone who appreciates them; so sweet.


Tree3 Lost a leaf

tree11 was doing horrible today.

I watered them all, sprayed them all and gave 10&11 as well as Stumpson some more dirt.

5,6,7,8,9 still looking horrible, worst then 11 today.
I'm losing hope on them but also can't blame them


I went to Berlin this day, still got to take pictures tho ^^ (thanks to mom) 10 lost it's seed and 11 I took the seed since it was hardly even still on it [Idk if that was such a good idea of mine but more about that in 19.07.2024]


I forgor what I meant to write here.. oh well
Guess I just write about right now
(19/20.07.2024 00:??)
So I'm wearing something around right arm wrist because of some uhh problems I have ^^"

surprise! more irl content

(arts are coming, don't worry)


Look it's yesterday ^^ I'm so sorry for spam posting the past days it's just that if I don't I might never post them so it's better if I just do it like this

Thankfully this is gonna change soon I hope..

Anyway the spray mix thing we made works



yep you read it right 10 & 11 are finally out. Just randomly saw them when we put row3 in the fridge ^^ and row2 is also growing every nicely despite only being in the fridge since 16.06.2024


yay day 11 was forgotten because of a apointment I had which thanks to that I now know I'm every forgetful qwp as in I forgot fast

anyway have photos from 12.07.2024 OwO I think they turned out nice