Art work an' stuff in The Poopshitters Club.

Share your things and stuff go wild! (Ps don't go Crazy on Porn)

It's a beautiful day outside.

Updated GUI slightly
(Also the battle box is missing the TP bar it’ll be in the same place
Also the screen won’t go all black I just forgot to make a version with the battle box
(@Merbsalot for the original design of the battle box (also he’s co-owner))

* A monster appears!
* Lazarus clutches his dagger with a sense of duty.

Lazzy base walksheets are complete and ruins area concepts are goin
(Sry for the really small down walk cycle)

* This mask is what keeps the banished at bay. Without it, you would be torn into pieces.
* Do not let it break, or our mission will be failed.