Fan Art in Playtime with Percy

Play with Percy Poodle!

ok teh actual last thing for now since i like to fibb. charlie cat warmup or whatever

#art #fanart #mspaint

[ ] ok last thing on this for now. sorry for spamming the fanart tab lol


[ ] ok the recent logo STAYS i found a site that doesn't hide the face hehehehehe.

anyways heres the ending theme for the game

[ ] fun LORE tidbit: ends up using his wire stuff to make makeshift arms n legs made from debris and unused parts.

[ ] edit: thought on it some more and ehhhh i might not actually do that

Infected Nick AU part 7

Random ahh drawing I did a while back (au by @brea_walsh )

[ ] miiiight not use this design but heres what pre-plot percy looked like.

I did All Tama-Terrors models on scratch i will keep them private until i done with all Characters models


[ ] there was supposed to be a face hidden in the black square but the site i was using crunched the pic quality...might be the only time this title pic gets used lol

anyways tutorial theme