Questions/Answers in The Foxtail Community

What's better the old Alistair's Boyz group or the new one?

Who's your favourite here?

Who's the better angel?
If I were to become a creator, what should I make the theme of my stickers be?
Is my art getting better or worse and what should I focus on drawing?
I know I usually stream on Friday Saturday or Sunday but I'll be trying to stream tomorrow on Monday to continue the FNAF songs tier list hope that's ok?
Fellow artists of Game Jolt are you studying any art techniques or styles rn?
Currently I'm studying the "Wing Arm" where the wing is the arm and the fethers at the end are fingers

should i expand this fake game i made?

Okay, this image is from a turn-based RPG card game called "fantasy riders" that I've had for a while now, I even have limited edition cards but I have a question for you
Is this game exclusive to Portugal or is it available in other countries too?