Whatever The Fuck in The Fox Guy Foxtail Community

Let's Write Some Shit Mate


My inspirations to draw blood is back

But idk if you guys could like it Cuz I don't can't to traumaed someone


Mis inspiraciones de dibujar sangre y esas cosas regresaron pero no se si aserlo ya que no quiero traumar a nadie

We will get there soon fuckers

Um I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that it's getting that many likes

So how much do you hate it?


Almost here I also recorded this yesterday and the cover is done



I can hit high notes but I was just practicing recorded this yesterday


Update on my Poison cover I have only just now decided that it would be beneficial to eat I've been redoing the the first verse so I can find a take I'm happy with still didn't find one but I need to eat so might as well



Update on my Poison cover this is not the final version I am aware that this is shit
