General in Sow_My_Stitches' Creative Hangout

Share your creations!

Just cleaned out my laptop fan without it causing a nuclear meltdown
So uhh, apparently GJ's famous Saturday Breakdown happened! As usual, but somehow I did manage to post somethin
So uhh check that out if you haven't/want to…
I know I said I'd be taking a break from the thing, which I have, but, I did work on it a teeny tiny bit and..... I've actually done it, IVE FINALLY FIXED THE LAYERING

Still trying to do it. Ughhhh
Still on semi haitus tho
Regardless if I get the layering fully functioning or not, ill start working on other parts of the game while fixing the layering beside it instead of hyper fixating on the issue, expect to see some new things pretty soon!
There really hasn’t been as much stuff happening for the past couple of days on my AF, and I’m in like a block period right now, so if anyone wants to like attack me or something you can, and if so I’ll do a revenge in return

Well, apparently todays my 2 year anniversary on GJ
And I also caught a shiny Pokemon today so that’s another cool thingie
I might add more characters to my AF probably tomorrow