questions in The Lost Ones Community

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Question: (ANWSERED by @TF46 )

Release this guy?

  41 votes Voting finished

what is \NBD\Misc\NBD 2 April Fools\Misc\Beta Content\OrtensiaCell (2.79).blend

and what was the purpose of it

as it isn't mentioned in the Scrapped and Beta Content wiki page

Should I finally work on the FNaTI Ice Berg?

  16 votes Voting finished

What is your Favorite FNAF Fan games?


I have a theory about THE OLD FNaTI:

Which design of Hourglass is better?

  16 votes Voting finished

Should i completely recast TI 4

(basically have brand new characters instead of reusing older ones, and dont worry, some ogs will stay)

  34 votes Voting finished

Question: Should I, MsmFmafBoi, make a TLO Fan-Game?

  23 votes Voting finished

can someone give me a link to malrat's old scratch games?