questions in ThirdTimeLucky FanGroup™

Show all 4 sides of ur clover and share ur amazing posts !!

l had a nightmare ever basically in my dream somebody was in my house and I knew he was in it so I ran oh well he so scaring l think l am watching Peppa Pig new


does this appear in psych 0.4.2?

Do you hate whitty?

  8 votes Voting finished

Should Me, @bunniie and a small dev team maybe make a "Just Lucky" mod, like a DDLC mod, kinda like "Monika After Story?"

  71 votes Voting finished

Should I make commitions a thing now?

If so, Would u guys buy one If u could?

If its a yes, these are the Prices:

($1-$2 for a sketch)

($3 for a head sketch)

($4-$5 for a full body sketch)

($6.9 for any drawing u want, as long as it's not Impossible)

  46 votes Voting finished