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Yo here's a PNG of Me in a horribly modeled christmas sweater and holding a JPEG of a Sprite cranberry
Imagine in jolly 4 there’s a line where jolly says something like “you ain’t gonna have a jolly goodtime”
Here's a little test of the new voices for the characters
I made these myself and it's my first try
I know I’m gonna sound stupid when saying this but the reason why the animatronic Ai is advanced in the 80’s is because this is an alternate universe where after WW2 there was like this big spike in technological advances
R.I.P. to the Goat, Tony Todd
He voiced some of my favourite characters in fiction and may he rest in peace
Fredbear and Spring Bonnie release!
I'm changing the next patch for this game to be an update, I'm gonna remove the undertale voices and actually make my own. So if you could hire any voice actor for each character who would they be?
Evolution of My OC
Oldest -> Latest
Whaddya think of the difference? I really like how it shows my modeling skills over time