designs in #SleekDesigns

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It changed a bit but i dont wanna post it justy yet. Here you have 'finished sketch"

Do you know MBTI?? Because uh, I drew my OC's wearing their MBTI Avatars clothing. Volt as ESFP-T and Unitas as INTJ-A. I love me some complete opposites >:D

Somehow my clothing shading skills suddenly upgraded too. Funky!

"Even the depths of the night cannot blind me."

Filled with ambition for a brighter future, nothing can throw his plans off course. There's always a way to turn adversity into opportunity.

Life is a game of chess, and he WILL win. No matter what.

Evolution of Unitas

Sometimes it can take a while for me to come up with a solid design I like.

It's worth it to keep going though! Iterate and re-iterate until that design is nice and polished!