irl in Victoree's Art Community

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Now you have a reason to call me okarun T^T

Yes I wear glasses :P

My holiday gifts were mostly Mario, but hey, the computer bag looks badass af

I wish yall a merry christmas!

(These were from yesterday btw)

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!!!! THESE ARE JUST SOME OF MY PRESENTS I GOT!!!1!1! (The rest are mostly just new pyjamas and some cool ass trouser things(also the 1% club quiz book which is kinda ironically the best thing ever)) #Christmas #kmfdm #baphomet

πŸŽ… Greatest cosplay of all time

Merry Christmas to you all πŸŽ„πŸŽβ€ΌοΈ Whether you celebrate it or not, I hope you guys all have an amazing day❗

I wish I had Christmas themed art to share, but unfortunately I never got around to it :[

But I hope a silly photo by the tree is good enough!! πŸ«€

Some photos for Christmas Eve :3

Food πŸ˜‹