All Posts in VoxTek Enterprises

Dear people! We at VoxTek would like to post...

Update 1.2.3 is BEING PUSHED BACK!

This is because I want to add way more features and gameplay.

Meanwhile, here's another Upd. 1.2.3 sneak peak!

Update 1.2.3 will also now include:

-Tutorial Man (new model + sword)


'Mr dreemurr May be a CEO of MORGAN & MARSTON CO.

But sometimes he is a detective in hell solving cases'

Game Development Update


Here are my Jeffy endless aethos but Undertale/Deltarune version

(And winner but HH version)


This is the final one

7/7th lyrics part

This is the winner version but I changed a little bit of the lyrics

(It's basically FNF winner HH version)

gimme idea for dis game

im back boys


The Goobers

umm guess ill just post my fave characters that i so do not obsess over

im just bored as hell today and have like no post ideas