fans in blantados community

Cover @blantados

it's a recreation Sonic blantados #FNF

Here are the V2 moves of Ruv...... And the angry one's

Hatred but it's Selene Vs @Electrolitez .... :3

Hatred - CHARTED - Fan song - Selever vs Ruv - [Friday Night Funkin] + FLP
FLP + inst: Ruv and selever sprites: @Jhiner and @ElAnthonyVixtin selever and ruv s...

New Re-design of @Electrolitez ....idk what to say ;-;

Defending but it's Selever Vs BF (Fanmade song by @Vzer ) (Attack Parody)

Defending - VS. Selever (Attack Parody)
Esto fue una idea muy bizarra, hacer una versiรณn contraria de un Ataque, y que pues ahora sea la Defensa.@ElSaxeBro A quien se le ocurriรณ esta idea XDDato cu...