All Posts in Azzy’s Abode

Time for concepts!

Here is what I drew on Friday. Forgot to post it yesterday. Also, I’ve been playing Rimworld for 7 hours, and now my head hurts a little.

I'll work on the Rimworld save tomorrow :)

Good night everyone!

I have an idea... a BIG idea. I've tagged everyone whom I want to ask below...

Should I make a Rimworld save with pawn [character] versions of you/your characters? Anyone can join, not just the people I've tagged. [More info on game below]

“FATHER, YOU WHAT?!?!?!??!” [WIP for later]

So today Kona Ice is coming to my school. Normally I would be excited, but some weird shit happened the last time they came in October…

Turns out I really like drawing headshots. This one is of @Hare_dare

First image is the archenemy I was talking about yesterday, second image is a cute interaction between them, and the third one is just Az1 [ULTRAKILL version of myself]

“But… why?”

I am crazy so choose from 1-45 😭

⭐️ everyone is allowed ⭐️


Pinned post w/ drawing rules

[More info in article]