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Let's go all the way back to Atlantia and check out the timelapse for the Cyberpunk Hospital from ep 4. This is a villager breeder and zombie conversion centre.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

Cyberpunk Hospital & Christmas Prep - Atlantia Ep. 4
In today's episode we (almost) complete our first cyberpunk build at the base, a hospital, start on some Christmas prep for the holiday season and meet up wi...

The final post from the Cyberpunk Military video is this server room to host the Cyber Division's cyberwarfare.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

10+ EPIC Military Builds To BLOW YOUR MIND - Minecraft
In today's tutorial, we are looking at some things to give your cyberpunk military the edge in a world of conflict. Brought to you by Omnisec, we have turret...

The OMNISEC "Scorpion", is an Urban Riot Control Tank from the Cyberpunk Military video.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

10+ EPIC Military Builds To BLOW YOUR MIND - Minecraft
In today's tutorial, we are looking at some things to give your cyberpunk military the edge in a world of conflict. Brought to you by Omnisec, we have turret...

The OMNISEC "Archangel", is a VTOL personel carrier from the Cyberpunk Military video. Inspired by the Militech Manticore.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

10+ EPIC Military Builds To BLOW YOUR MIND - Minecraft
In today's tutorial, we are looking at some things to give your cyberpunk military the edge in a world of conflict. Brought to you by Omnisec, we have turret...

The OMNISEC "Crusader", a hover tank from the Cyberpunk Military video. Inspired by the Militech Basilisk.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

10+ EPIC Military Builds To BLOW YOUR MIND - Minecraft
In today's tutorial, we are looking at some things to give your cyberpunk military the edge in a world of conflict. Brought to you by Omnisec, we have turret...

The "IMP", a Improvised Mechanised Patrol unit from the Cyberpunk Military video. Not made by OMNISEC.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

10+ EPIC Military Builds To BLOW YOUR MIND - Minecraft
In today's tutorial, we are looking at some things to give your cyberpunk military the edge in a world of conflict. Brought to you by Omnisec, we have turret...

The "Silverback", a mech suit from the Cyberpunk Military video. Again made by OMNISEC.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

10+ EPIC Military Builds To BLOW YOUR MIND - Minecraft
In today's tutorial, we are looking at some things to give your cyberpunk military the edge in a world of conflict. Brought to you by Omnisec, we have turret...

2 Variations of combat drones from the Cyberpunk Military video. Again made by OMNISEC.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

10+ EPIC Military Builds To BLOW YOUR MIND - Minecraft
In today's tutorial, we are looking at some things to give your cyberpunk military the edge in a world of conflict. Brought to you by Omnisec, we have turret...

A few variations of turrets from the Cyberpunk Military video. Note the use of transparent maps for the OMNISEC wordmark.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Cyberpunk

10+ EPIC Military Builds To BLOW YOUR MIND - Minecraft
In today's tutorial, we are looking at some things to give your cyberpunk military the edge in a world of conflict. Brought to you by Omnisec, we have turret...

In episode 18 of Randomcraft I built this steampunk clinic (breeder) and the zombie conversion centre under it.

#Minecraft #Minecraftbuilds #Randomcraft

The BARGAIN Breeder! - Randomcraft 2 Ep. 18 - Minecraft SMP
Derpol decides to finally make a villager breeder after JUST 18 episodes! And with the attached zombie converter, he is set to get a massive bargain on futur...