Community in The Bakery

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Got a new shader installed

Definitely prefer it, the lighting is more soft and eye-pleasing whereas the old one was far too harsh and yellow

Also looks way better than without shaders

The only issue is that it requires more performance but I'll manage ;)


#PalaceOfOrder #21

Here's a quick tour of some of the interior (Note: Only most of the ground floor and the Private Tower are done, Manufacturing room and first floor still need work)

Also I forgot to show the side buildings and the Glass corridors...

#PalaceOfOrder #20

Designed a little path to the entrance and added plantlife around the palace

Also over the last few weeks I've been doing the interior, almost done with the ground floor so that'll be showcased next time

What do you think?

  4 votes 5 days left

#PalaceOfOrder #19

Chandelier? More like Elevator :)

Haven't posted anything in a while (busy with Uni exam preperations)

So here's some unreleased screenshots of The Lazarcopter, I've added an elevator which can allow for small motor vehicles to be carried in the Lazarcopter

Pretty cool right?