Show & Tell in Bendy Series

Put on a big smile!

just bought "Bendy: Dreams Come to Life" graphic novel. it wasn't expensive at all tbh, the drawings and story from what i've seen are really well done! it arrives in 5 days.

wow I am playing Bendy in roblox! (something I made, PROBABLY WON'T BE RELEASED THOUGH)

I didn't know Sammy could sucker punch someone like that

Thank you @BorisGames123 for being my 100th follower

What do you think of @Helsonell final looks of Domain? Tell us in the comments…
Backstory to the game and some images for the comic strips me and player are making

Just got this in the mail today!

I need these, all 3 of them are soooo cute 🥰 🥰 🥰