All Posts in books/movies and shit

movies books and shit

anyone find me a way to get Pokemon main Series games cheap specifically stuff like Pokemon Ultra Sun Ultra moon and Pokemon brilliant diamond or shining Pearl (I've given up on Platinum) thanks in advance I really need your help internet

dipshit and asshole havin some icecream!

My dudes, s@ I was Doing a thIng and it stopPed working. So, I went to find help and Saw a cat. This cat had a thing and it was His, so I tried to steal It and ran away. I was abouT to say someThing to tHe cat but ran away.

Hi guys, I am one of the creators of Fatass Wife and I want to let you know that chapter 4 won't take long to make. We are making new characters, adding up lore, etc. Now it won't take long like I said, but it might. Just wanted to post this, that's all!

I promise you chapter 4 won’t take another 7 months to complete…