Fan projects of yours in Code Team


a small render of the main stage.

Update on game
-I’m going to work on the props for the game map so basically small stuff till my birthday which I should get my first gaming pc
-going to be making 2 vhs tapes related to the lore one being cartoon and one in blender!

Next two Designs are finished Just Chica left. But i think i will Draw her tomorrow.

My First 2 Designs for my Game!
Ready Article for Infos about Them

Hello Guys,
I have some nice News for you!
I will Start make a Fnaf Fan Game called „Fnaf: The Last Order“. But before i start i will make the Storyline and Draw the Animatronics.
PS: The Animatronics will be Shattered Rockstars from FFPS

the final version of office. Probably.

I might remodel this and actually make the full body maybe for detail I can use it for my vhs models
Hi all...
Sorry I haven't been online for so long, I'm busy playing...
The game is almost half finished...
Well, that's all, bye everyone.

a test render of the office.