Comments in D7 Studios | Scratch

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it snowed a fuck ton last night where I live and I got to fuck around in the snow today

also krita is a good program and it makes my corroded caveman brain slow it’s regression slightly

Anybody know of a good vector art program to use with Scratch? The Scratch editor is kinda limiting. :/

you can now download the editor as a project for offline use

Yo, im back from the dead. I just randomly checked my scratch account after a long ass time and holy shit they changed the studio ui. It looks like shit. Rant over, goodbye. Imma go back to sleep for another 6 months.

recreating halo main menus

been a while

Happy late new year everyone! I hope this year turns out better then the last!

Now that Shockwave 2's overhaul has been released I'm back working on the code and gameplay of Star Wars Diamond Company and hopefully I can release it this year!

The campaign for my game is 3/5 complete along with a multilap level type. Levels are becoming increasingly insane, either compact or stretching far distances, requiring precise inputs. I hope this speedrunning game turns out to be awesome.

just got my old account back

Blobs are a bit janky but i think this looks great!