All Posts in Kingdom of Doit

What 'cha thinkin' about?

Hug him! Love him! Pat him! Offer your vital fluids to him!

Rise, Razzaroth! (Part 4)

Rise, Razzaroth! (Part 3)

Vacation update:

First day in Maine! Beautiful place we're stayin' in.

Anyway I just resolved my constipation and have been bleeding out my ass for half an hour. Agh! Oof! Grrr!

PS: Hope you have been enjoying the comics! 'preciate ya!

Rise, Razzaroth! (Part 2)

Rise, Razzaroth! (Part 1)

Update 2:

I just finished scheduling the comic across next week!

Each page will come out at 7:00AM EDT

I don't know wtf EDT is but it's the time-zone I live in!


With love- Doit

Remember I won't be home, but I can still respond to comments!

Alrighty lads, deal is I work on the Gary's cult story today

(meaning no normal comics today)

And then YOU get content ALLLLLL next week!

ya' dig it?

