general in Kingdom of Doit

What 'cha thinkin' about?

Rise, Razzaroth! (Part 3)

Vacation update:

First day in Maine! Beautiful place we're stayin' in.

Anyway I just resolved my constipation and have been bleeding out my ass for half an hour. Agh! Oof! Grrr!

PS: Hope you have been enjoying the comics! 'preciate ya!

Rise, Razzaroth! (Part 2)

Rise, Razzaroth! (Part 1)

Update 2:

I just finished scheduling the comic across next week!

Each page will come out at 7:00AM EDT

I don't know wtf EDT is but it's the time-zone I live in!


With love- Doit

Remember I won't be home, but I can still respond to comments!

Alrighty lads, deal is I work on the Gary's cult story today

(meaning no normal comics today)

And then YOU get content ALLLLLL next week!

ya' dig it?



