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Tom Plays TNT Evilution with Russian Overkill Part 1
Happy almost 30th Doom to celebrate I will be playing a few Doom 2 wads this month with the Russian Overkill mod. The 1st one will be TNT Evilution in this v...

Happy #RedPlanetDay! My favorite game(s) set on the Red Planet would have to be Doom. I couldn't pick just one, so I'd pick the whole franchise!

And before someone says it, the games *technically* take place on Phobos and Deimos—which are Mar's moons.

So i remade Wolfenstien 3D in G Develop 5. If anybody wants to check it out, heres the link.

The downside to being unable to jump.

“Let’s settle this. You, me, Map01, BFG-9000, ten frags.”

Another little Doom doodle I did.