ANNOUNCEMENTS in Dumb Artist Fangroup

Dumb Artist The Dumbest Artist Of All

1K FanGroup updated??

I just need to thank you all, I did not think this little community would get to 1k members, either way, I added new channels and remade them a little, hope you all have a good day! 💜

Random question for you all but what you guy's favorite art trade of mine? like art style wise how can you see is mine and etc? bc omfg I can draw in so many styles when I want to sob sob... also have some art so you can maybe tell the ''style'' I guess…

Look it's completely normal to make mistakes and misunderstanding every situation sometimes, has a young adult myself , i'am an idiot and being angry at it makes the platforms worst.

But thank gosh Gamejolt is clean

guys I'm like an old woman idk what to post have this lmao