OFF TOPIC in Dumb Artist Fangroup

Dumb Artist The Dumbest Artist Of All

Gamble, gamble gamble

Was playing Minecraft with friends today, one of them sent me this screen shot

Game jolt A place where people go crazy when they see a hot drawing of a girl

Just look at him being a dummy :3

School a place that people can :P

hi! I have a friend here, and he is a great artist to!, and he has open commissions an time, but he has no commissions orded :( so, i ask u to check his gamejolt profile!

@ManoRato is he account

(Um agradecimento pela divulgação que ele fez de mim.)

I have been dating a certain person who OC is a bunny who has a mask on that looks like the puppet :3

chili mac :3

Awwww thank you guys :3