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So if anyone is wondering I’m still trying to decide if I wanna use ether scratch (turbo warp) or gamemaker to make my games

So bad news I tried to get clickteam to work on the new pc and it didn’t want to work so I’m gonna use gamemaker studio gdevelop or scratch (turbo warp)

So good news I have a new pc (for now) my mom had a back up pc just in case her’s broke or crashed or something like that

Ben plays: FNAS 5: The First Chapter (Night 3)
Play it for yourself: to the channel:

Sad news...

So if anyone is wonder night 1 of fnas 2 dme is done (no my computer isn’t fixed yet I finished night 1 before it wouldn’t turn on)

Bad news about my computer


(I putt collection remastered at meh due to the fact that I don’t look back at the original version of act 1 fondle)

i may be sick but that doesn't mean i cant work on my games

toy mario and toy yoshi's AI's are done