All Posts in LGBT vibes

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Ok so I want to draw any left characters any ideas???? I was thinking Deadpool or Loki but I want your opinions!!! Also please follow me if you haven’t 😙 that’d be nice.

#lgbt #gay #characters #2dart


9th GRADE IS OVERRERER ✨✨✨!!!! It’s been like that for two weeks but I forgot to tell you guys 🤭. Our last day was supposed to be a half day but an idiot brought a gun so we had to leave 3 hours late 😭.Also Happy pride 🫶 Iprobablyforgottopostonmyaccount

Yes just yes

People on Twitter are cancelling Dream for being Bi. I had to stop watching the video before I made myself sick from homophobia. HOMOPHOBES SHOULD BURN IN A FIRE AND DESERVE TO BE ON THE BOTTOM LAYER OF HELL.

Not mine


I'm thinking I probably caught a 3-day bug that a student passed on to me.

Umm what you guys think should their names be and they are both lgbtqia+

Help. I'm having a panic attack.