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FNaBP 2 Custom Night has released!

Read the article for all exact changes from the original FNaBP 2.

update on fnabp 2 cn: both of the modes have been playtested and are possible. fredbear bullshit js needs to be fixed and ill get the next beta ready.

ok so basically the entirety of fnabp 2 cn is complete (i got it done before the og game's v1.1 dropped lmao). unfortunately the game cannot be released cus theres no chica jumpscare rn. for now its her fnaf 3 scare as filler and thats stinky.

you can customize the key you use for the flashlight

js a misc qol thing i added cus why not

NOTE: You can't use Escape as a key, & you won't be able to leave the Options menu until you select a key. (you can still Alt + F4 tho, it js wont save)

bro REALLY wanted to return to freddy's

for context lockjaw has a 1/10 chance to spawn and will stay for the entire night until you leave the gameplay frame, whether its returning to the menu or clicking retry after dying

Update: now that i have the assets that i need for FNaBP 2 CN (thanks Green Jerry for sending me the mfa of what is done for v1.1) i'm able to put more work into the game.

so far i have the maintenance panel done and now i'm working on cams and allat.

FNaBP 1 CN v1.0.6

FNaBP 1 CN v1.0.5

along with a few things i forgot to mention in 1.0.4.......

FNaBP 1 CN v1.0.4