All Posts in Oku’s Purgatory

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Your honour they are father and daughter anyway octo and deadpool art

Just watched deadpool and wolverine and honestly they should’ve kissed

If any mainstream media needs character writers just get a teenage artist to do it we be creative asf with our characters

Katie appreciation post

Octo doodles

Here’s another human octo thing I tried to color it greyscale and I think it’s eh

Octo lore real!?!?

yea so here’s human octo for a change

Summer of hell Most well made gorillas fan music video I’ve ever seen

Gorillaz - Latin Simone FULL HD - NO PROFIT VIDEO (read details)
I'm not the one who put the ad on my video, but youtube itself. This means that YOUTUBE/GORILLAZ get profit from my video, not me. I was forced to put "NO PR...

2-D gorrilaz redraw I did in my art style and I even tried something new yayy