discussion in Kirby

Show your creations to all of Planet Popstar!

This is the Kirby year!!!

No Star Fox...

Holy shit, I’m speechless rn.

So, Direct tomorrow, What is something you would really like to see tomorrow?

This might be confusing to many of you, but I struggle to even make a Top 5 Kirby games list. I'd love to hear what you love about the series, because I kinda realized that I only love certain parts of it.

Who is better

Pls vote

  11 votes Voting finished

Working on a pretty nasty bug. In the meantime, let's chat! Favorite Kirby game and why?
#kirby #nintendo #gaming #videogame #discussion

Do you like Kirby Right Back at Ya?

  13 votes Voting finished

Turns out, Dream Buffet is really fun! There's multiple stages for each game category, unlockables up to level 135, and lot's of physics-based goodness. It really shines as a multiplayer game, and I'd recommend it if that's your cup of tea!

  12 votes Voting finished

I found the reason why Kirby and friends are hostile in Kirby's Dreamland 2 commercial