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We all are humans we all make mistakes so forgive her

If you say "she never changes" how you know?

You didn't talk to her

Put yourself in her place

Lets say

You did something bad and you changed and everyone say "you never change"

How would you feel?

Day 3 of know what happened to @CharCharTheFavGrandChild and @YellowEnby

idk why ppl think iran just arab and iranians
we have turk, indian, kurd, lur, mongole, british, russians, greek
and even more

Day 2 of know whatp happened to @CharCharTheFavGrandChild and @YellowEnby


Ucn fnaf meme ohio

This macth is very sad


Draco ost theme

The match is very bored

my red dragons tied against gilbraltar, this shows the bad moment of wales, who were left without the euro cup against poland

The Ukrainian team tied with Germany at home