ahh, the old favorite.
What games should I play
Outrageous ridiculousness
#gjasks probably fnaf and fnf
Rage Bait
Should I play undertale and delatrune
עְ נְפִּסְל רֻססכִע עְזיך נְ אִורִתֵ. (Cyrillized: Я написал Русский язык на Иврите., Romanized: Ja napisal Russkij jazyk na Ivrite., EN : I wrote the Russian language in the Hebrew script.)
EN : I need to keep being a linguist to keep the dispute away.
ARY :خاصني نستمر باللغويية حتى يزول الكراهية.
(Romanized: H̱āṣinī nastamirru bil-lughawayyaẗi ḥattá yazūla l-karāhiyaẗu.)
Написальем йэзык Полски Цырылицә. (Romanized: Napisałem język Polski Cyrylicą., EN : I wrote the Polish language in the Cyrillic script.)
Should I buy?