All Posts in Don’t harass people (why do y’all still post here 😭)
Rules: no harassing. Ye.
Video of me being silly at the park
(credits to my mum for videoing <3)
Have a great day/afternoon/night! <33
Ah yes, such nostalgia from Skylanders Academy. I forgot how good it was and now I'm rewatching the whole series so that way I can understand the series more. Btw Skylanders Academy is kinda like the games Spyro but not really but I recommend it!
Walking home from school!!
*may cause shifts*
it’s 3 mins long btw!! :)))
(going to delete later most likely. Might not, but most likely will)
My theory about Uzi using her absolute solver in episode 6!
Remember when the sentinals was about to attack V and then suddenly the sentinals disappeared?
Well my theory is that the absolute solver has a possibility to make a portal to a planet.
Y’all why do you still post here 😭
Lesson learned-Do not finish spicy chips in one day 🥲
Anyone remember a movie called "The thing" that was released in 1983 or 1985 and a prequel that was released in 2011? Well I had nightmares from it since I saw my mother watching it-...I got traumatized I think 😅
So, about my absence from the app is because of my motivation because most of the time at night I do my schoolwork which teaches me nothing due to my memory being all over the place and empty. Another thing is that my sleep schedule is messed up as well.
I hate the fact that I get made fun of online for making gacha videos, I make other content you know??? I know the person has more subs than me but still their channel was 2 years old meanwhile mine is 10 months old