Q&A Time yay in Obby Fanclub


among us doesn't seem to be working, is this happening to anyone else?

if you had to choose a favorite character between the 3 characters in Crash Zoom, who would you pick.




ok, no looking it up. who here knows what the scp foundation is, (don't look it up thats cheating)

any questions about Plasma Girl anyone?

ok, just curious would you be excited for both of these or just one.


-crash zoom lucy's adventure 2


-plasma girl

ok everyone. if you were in a office and found out one of you each had a weapon, what would you do.

you have 2 planes, one is about to hit a whole while the other is about to hit the sweetish embassy. which do you choose.

when it comes to the heroside trilogy, how would you rank each of them,


heroside 1

heroside 2

heroside 3


what would the order be

hey obscure, do these look cute?

so @ObscureEasterEgg is online. hey, do you drink water?