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Hurry up!

Here's one of CaTI's Minigames. No joke like, im not even kidding

...but returning to more upbeat news...

I am working on a complete overhaul of the backgrounds. hope y'all are excited

(thanks to @TinkeerMoksy for helping with making concept art for the overhaul)

nightmare below mickey, Mickey sub somnum, and Carnivore Demonrain. Are being removed from the game in the next update. that is final. i do not support leakers.


Blender user reaction to Maya software:

(Not mine)

Remember when they came back in 2020?

That was really something special, huh?

(the art isn't mine.)

Comment your thoughts about this.

Its me Birthday!1!1!

and funny updates to games and stuff cuz yes.

i can't belive that my dumbass think CaTI's birthday is May 20th while it was actually May 12th. anyways, thank you for one year! (even tho the full game isn't out)

It's happening. This game will become 3D. (as well as new thumbnail, header and description)