i forgor in Paquete´s basement

Heya, post something! Lmao
Imagine a local chess YouTuber took over the championship, even defeating stockfish 17. Would you try to go against them?
Another promotion for my discord server : https://discord.gg/Q7xVPpVckp

#GJAsks What Retro Game deserves a Remake?
Hmm, hard question...
What about Atari's Ms.Pacman? Its a really cool and old game, a remake of it will be very good .
Sonic: Speed Nexus Version 0.3.0 now available for download

QUICK UPDATE : Added enemy's bullet with improved homing attack

UPDATE : Added auto-crouch when underneath something. Took waaaayyyyyy too longer than expected
Discord server for my games (actually it's just one for now) : https://discord.gg/Q7xVPpVckp
If you're interested and wanna join, but have decided it late, then just go to the pinned post of my game Sonic: Speed Nexus. It's linked in its article.

UPDATE : Added Aero Cannon enemy with ability to shoot and can be affected by the homing attack and jumping. Still working on the bullet or whatever it's called. Also added explosion particles withsound,no bugs.The reasonfornotusingscreenrecorderinarticle
Sorry everyone, expect the update 2 more times slower than before cuz of two reasons : my antivirus has expired, and I'm working on a very big update. Sorry for all of this but I'm not responsible for these (except the big update thingy)