Commie memes that I... 'Shared' with people.

The first actually original thing I've posted in a while.
Welcome to the Mental Asylum, make sure to hang your coat so the straitjacket will fit!
This is a community made mostly for random posts, whether it be a shitpost, art, photography, vents, and whatnot. It serves as a general hubspace for the delinquents, crackheads, and mentally ill people of GameJolt alike! (Don't do illicit substances, please)
No NSFW (duh.)
No harassment (duh.)
Venting highly condoned!
Abide to channels (post in the respective topic)
Take your damn meds.
Front desk is for general, Padded Room is random, Scheißeposten is for shitposts, Mandated Therapy is for venting, Asylum Staff is just a mod chat thing idfk, and don't touch Harvey.