Memes in Pokémon

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Pokemon did a funny video for April fool day

Now you can't ever say Pokemon has no sense of humor

target spotted take the shot


Solar eclipse yayayayayayaatn3icj3bdygvtbdh

"yeah...yeah... Nurse Joy, I've heard it times before, I just want to heal my Pokémon!"

(Ash After Learning About The Next Splatfest)
Ash: "Either u choose team bnuy or someones house is gonna be on fire again."

bf as riolu


Guys what's a sigma


I made this


Adding Pikachu to the Upcoming Game

Drowzee, Drowzee,

Seaking, Seaking

Charmander, Charizard, Liepard, Pawniard

SquirtleWeedlePidgeyBedrill, VulpixArbokSmoochumFearow,

SkittyAronWailordAbsol, GulpinSlugmaBagonSHUCKLE!!!