Share your creation with Truddy

Roxy`s Pizza World Logo

First fully finished camera for Ignition Instability!!


#fnaf #fangame #fnar #ignitioninstability

This is i made a Probably in 2021? These arts are a bit bad but they look good

Well, if I don’t have a normal computer or laptop, I’ll use what I have. Thanks to @ddemkoo for the advice.Well, what you see is my first 3D model. I wouldn’t say that it’s very terrible. Rate it in the comments.

A birthday party for the birthday girl

Happy birthday Truddy!

(For those wondering why it's so dark, it is in a cabinet in my room that I use as a makeshift dollhouse room)

simply art

Dayilovio :D

Roxy Loxy

Well well well...

made a Roxy Loxy model! i finished it not too long ago and thought it was worth sharing here, the base design was made by @TheresNoSteak so huge props to her!!

this was made using Blender 2.79's Internal renderer