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What.... the ....actually....FUCK IS HAPPENING!? All I did was fall off the map.

Just finished my game. I finally figured out a name. "Country race" (I coudent think of anything else.) Here's some screenshots. What do you think?

Worked on it some more. Here's a few scrrenshots. I'm close to finshing.

A little sneak peak.


God, I love playing Re-Volt, stacking all these mods on each other in one race is so fucking chaotic, and the fact i have custom music makes it funnier lmao, 10 likes and i'll post some more Re-Volt shenanigans.

Just finished another one. It's just a race. It's just called "desert race."


Some gameplay of my game. It's called "Car Derby". It's a up to 4 player multiplay game.(that's why they aren't moving. Because I got nowone else to play.) It's really basic.

(This car has its windows busted and pink writing all over it. For some reason. I don't know why.)

Weelp, thaat's oonee waay too caary wood.