All Posts in Stramedia: game_COMMUNITY

Make a connection attempt...

Gamepad controls rebinding is actually coming along pretty well, and each gamepad type can be configured, too!

...Oh my god.


Okay, yeah, this new settings menu shit is lookin' nice at the moment.

For some reason, I can't really seem to settle on a singular style for the settings menu.

...Hopefully THIS ONE will suffice it.

I need to get rid of this terrible habit. lol

I'm feeling nice. Here, have a little peek at a few stuff!


Considering a huge amount of ass-whooping you might be getting, you could always... *annoyed sigh...* ...use more saves. 😓​


This game really is turning out to be even more of a game as I continue work on it.


And let there be light!


Here's a weird funny visual bug no one is ever going to notice in-game, or at least until I pointed it out.

Oh, you won't be able to see it in the future? Oh, it will remain there. I just wanted to curse your brain with forbidden knowledge. lol