Pointless in Stupid Polls
texas or california
“student council election rp but we have actual polls here, first week”
First image, from left to right; Mary Sue (Megami), Mizal Zaini, Formal Woman (Kuroko)
Who will you vote for?
29 votes Voting finished
watermelon or mango
16 votes Voting finished
The Edgelords in order; Zirrow/Zamrud, Hisan (placeholder name), Zilch.
Pick your favourite edgelord for the being edgy battle (surprise me, Stupid Polls community) 🤑
If you're not sure check article
4 votes Voting finished
Should I read the Transformers one novel before I watch the movie or after?
9 votes Voting finished
I don't know anything about Warhammer but I still want to complete the quest:
9 votes Voting finished
Memes and shit #Whateverthefucknumber
34 votes Voting finished
Could you survive FNaF 1?
81 votes Voting finished
I am a criminal. In Germany that is.
You see, on holiday I squished this insect that was bothering me in an amusement park (Phantasialand that is) and apparently in Germany many insects are protected and killing them is illegal...
Whoops :(
6 votes Voting finished
What's better?
2 votes Voting finished