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I've added some of the OST to the gamepage! Go give it a listen! Also a huge thanks to our composer, @CrescentTheHusky for makeing these amazing tracks

4th of July Devlog

[read article]

Lots of progress on the basement/night 7 has been made today! As much as i want to post a screenshot of it, I can't becasue it's like a secrect ending kind of lmao. I will say though I'm very happy with how it's turning out! stay tuned.

I've been making a lot of progress on the game, hopefully if everything keeps going smoothly like it has been so far the game will be out this summer!

Reminder to go follow the sequel, Sunny's Cafe: Desolation!

Here's a small preview of night seven from Desolation!


The game is not dead, I've just been taking a few breaks because of school, but school just got out today so progress will speed up! Stay tuned.

The main gameplay is now complete, all that needs to be done for the actual gameplay segments (not including cutscenes, endings, menus, etc.) is night 7!

Small teaser for the fourth character, Desolated Sunny!

Don't worry the games not dead, i just took a small break from it, I've been working on it a lot more recently though, so stay tuned!

Added some gameplay screenshots the the page