Cherry Tree/Sakura Cafe in minecraft bc i was bored

does it look good? (i'll be posting more minecraft soon)


racist dustdustlore part 2????????



Yeah I may be a virgin but at least I have this cool as fuck Lego ninjago mech

I am never babysitting @Supper122 flower ever again

(Fallen Stars is gonna be awesome)

ALRIGHT HERE IS A FULL DRAWING OF THE CHARACTER. Axl (Don't ask me why, it's grown on me after playing some guilty gear), and then Nexus as some alter ego/name of the game. (also, it's just the school uniform because i'm lazy and dont want to do more.)

Just as all mistakes usually do, dud has returned.

He got a new form to match with Duuds as well

Also giga Duud is just there for a height comparison

Lieutenant Chad.

no other words.


Property Tax

Welcome to my super epic community witch is definitely the only one I have made

There’s no actual rules the ones below are just there so this looks like a normal community I actually don’t give a shit what you post

We have pizza over in the corner

DM @Supper122 if you wanna be a mod


  1. Be nice (not mean)

  2. No nsfw

  3. No spamming

  4. Uh that’s all the rules

  5. #SUPPERSWEEP posts will most likely get featured

  6. Wait no that’s not all the rules

  7. Don’t be a bitch (to anyone) if u are a mod

Nice - @Golden_Official

Do or do not, there is no try - @Fired_

Supper, a light evening meal, typically a small or informal one - @Nicholas_Thy_Trickolas

You can try, you can do anything! - @MrTopHatty

Smash - @Punkel

Peepeepoopoo - @Flourz

*drools over sans undertale and his AU’s* - @Miss-Akatsuki

Report A community for about 1 year