All Posts in Casual Therapy

You are loved!

Go give @Fuzzy_lol love and support he needs it

I feel unmotivated today.

Hopefully it'll just be for today, but if it isn't, it'll be very costly for me, as I have a lot to do this week to modify my business, so that I can do more exciting things than trying to sell T-shirts nobody wants to buy.

My state mentally is not good. My body doesn’t feel good. Basically I don’t feel good in general. I’m just gonna take a break from this site because my mental state is not good.

agbalrbajdbarhbdghahdgadlgahbrhlahrdlahgdr EVERYONE GO GIVE HIM LOVE AND SUPPORT

the random ass core memory kicked in when my cousins bf ALSO tried to groom me, he was weird...telling me I was his "uncle" (dumbass) and I could come to him anytime I needed something, and he had his arm around me...I felt uncomfy obv, ew...

w e g r o w

y'all send @zoomer1906 love and support

Y'all, @Pikus75 is worried he might need protection from @|Marcel-43 because of what I assume is a drama involving them.
Here's a link to the post in question:…
Give him some support <3

Another self-explanatory channel, but I'll explain it anyway for clarity.
This is for those longggg posts talking about things going on in your life. This channel is a safe space to share your struggles!

This channel should be pretty self-explanatory but if you're going through a rough time you can make a post here and ppl will be happy to support you!