All Posts in Casual Therapy

You are loved!

I don't know why i am feeling sad all of sudden.

At this point i'm venting. I can't stop it's only getting worser. It's my fault. And earth's fault.

I just got double-vaccinated yesterday and as is such I'm feeling really crappy today. My immune system is being beefed up to 'Space Marine mode' but to get there one must pass through hell.

I'm not even sure if I can handle a 'No-Gi BJJ' class tonight.

I just randomly started crying - Can someone explain this .. ?

i think im manipulative

Is it bad to miss someone you yourself broke up with ? And is it worse that you want them back so, so, SO bad ? I just want someone who'll love me and not treat me like garbage ... :(

Something to brighten up your day.

Original video: 😆

@Delter_6 Do you need help? Don't worry everyone is always with you. But tell me what made you depressed? If that's not your mood and you don't wanna talk then. I'll just leave you alone if you want..

how does this have more members than my therapy group